The Effect of Stress on Hair
Posted on 1st November 2022 at 13:28
The Effect of Stress on Hair
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will have heard about the cost-of-living crisis in the mainstream media. Data from a new Behaviour & Attitudes (B&A) survey revealed that more than one million people in Ireland say they are struggling to make ends meet. This is stressful for many people due to the worry about how they will afford to pay their bills. Stress has a negative impact on our health, including our hair.
This article will look at the effects of stress on hair.
Signs of Stress
How do you know you’re stressed?
For some, it can be obvious, but for others can go unnoticed for a while.
However, there are several indicators you can check on how you’re feeling in the list below:
Irritable, angry, impatient or tense
Anxious, nervous, worried or afraid
Racing thoughts and not being able to switch off
Inability to feel joy
No sense of humour
And here are some physical signs of stress:
Difficulty in taking long deep breaths – shallow breathing
Panic attacks
Blurred eyesight or sore eyes
Insomnia and fatigue
Chest pains and high blood pressure
Indigestion and heartburn
Constipation and diarrhea
Nausea and fainting
Sudden weight gain or loss
Developing rashes and itchy skin
Sweating excessively
Changes to your menstrual cycle
The following list contains common behaviours due to stress:
Difficulty in making decisions and concentrating
Poor memory
Snapping at people
Biting your nails or picking at your skin
Grinding your teeth
Sexual problems
Over- or undereating
Excessive smoking, drinking or recreational drug use
Restless – always wired
Withdrawing from loved ones
If you’re ticking off all or many of the symptoms above, chances are that you are experiencing stress. But how can that have an impact on your hair?
How stress affects your hair
Some of the physical symptoms of stress can, in turn, cause damage to your hair. Let’s say you’re experiencing a lack of sleep. If you have insomnia, this will affect your hair and scalp. Sleep is vital for the replenishment stage of skin renewal, so you could end up with a flaky scalp and/or dandruff. How about grey hair and stress? Think it’s just a myth? Think again.
How to Use Hair Fibres
Trauma and shock from stressful events can cause premature greying of the hair – even in young people.
If we feel ill due to stress, our immune systems will have taken a bit of a hit. When you’re ill, your hair's nutrients are redirected to other areas of the body. As a result, you can experience thinning hair or even alopecia.
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If you have any questions give us a call on 087 333 7476 or WhatsApp us and we will arrange free private consultation.
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